Provost Leadership Council

The Provost Leadership Council is made of the deans of each college, graduate school, and law school and administrators from key departments and programs from across the UA Little Rock campus. The council meets once every two weeks.

Provost Leadership Council Members

Ann Bain, Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Provost

College Deans

Brian Berry, Vice Provost for Research/Dean, Graduate School
Colin Crawford, Dean, William H. Bowen School of Law
Sarah Beth Estes, Dean, College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education
Tom Clifton, Interim Dean, College of Business, Health, and Human Services
Jeff Connelly, Interim Dean, Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Additional Members

Jess Porter, Director for the Center of Arkansas History and Culture, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
William Decker, Associate Provost and Chief Data Officer, Office of Institutional Research
Melvin Beavers, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor – Continuous Improvement
Simon Hawkins, Director, Donaghey Scholars
J.B. Hill, Director, Ottenheimer Library
Sharonda Lipscomb, Executive Director of Online Learning
David Montague, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Faculty Mentoring
Shannon Collier-Tenison, Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Relations and Administration