Kathleen Thomsen Hall Charitable Trust Grant

Download the Kathleen Thomsen Hall Charitable Trust Grant Application
Download the Kathleen Thomsen Hall Charitable Trust Grant Rating Sheet
Objective: The Kathleen Thomsen Hall Charitable Trust was established to support UALR personnel in their efforts to contribute to or enhance their own capacity in the arts, sciences, or education.
Eligibility: Full-time faculty members and professional staff members who are continuously employed at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock may apply. Applicants in any academic field are eligible for this grant, but projects related to the sciences will be given special consideration. Grants shall not be awarded to the last year’s recipient, Trust’s creators, officers, directors, trustees, or members of the selection committee.
Selection: Grant proposals will be reviewed by a standing selection committee appointed by the Provost. As specified in the Trust documents, selection criteria includes: the length of time the individual has worked in his or her particular field; the past contributions made to that field by the individual; the overall need for improvement in the area of study; and the soundness of the information submitted in the application.
Further consideration will be given to the overall need for advancement in the applicant’s field, and the potential the project has for future extramural funding.
The selection committee’s recommendations will be forwarded to the Provost, who will review and make recommendations to the Thomsen Hall Grant Trustees. The Trustees reserve the right to make all final decisions.
Limitations: The Thomsen Hall Charitable Trust stipulates that the project must be non-sectarian, non-denominational, non-political and may not generate a profit. Furthermore, UALR restricts grant monies to project expenses only. Applicants may not receive grant money as a salary stipend or any other form of personal payment. Any equipment purchased with grant funds will remain the property of the university.
General Policies:

  • Grant requests should not exceed $7,000. The actual number of awards and award sizes are subject to the availability of funds and the quality of proposals received. The selection committee may recommend funding proposals fully or partially.
  • Projects funded by this grant are subject to the UALR policies and guidelines including policies regarding the use of human subjects, animal care, biosafety, hazardous waste, radioactive materials, patents and copyrights, royalties and fees as well as other appropriate University policies. Grantees are responsible for following the established University compliance procedures regarding these rules and regulations. Applicants may obtain additional information regarding these policies from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
  • Grant funds will be administered through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Grantees will have a grant account set up through that office and must adhere to all ORSP requirements for obtaining a budget account.
  • Project proposals should not request funds for expenses normally included in division or departmental budgets.

Format: All proposals should be submitted in the format outlined below. Narrative portions should be typed in 12 point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.

  1. Cover Page (see cover page form attached)
  2. Project Explanation (limited to 5 pages)
    • Purpose and significance
    • General description
    • Methods
  3. IRB or other special authorizations/approvals as necessary
  4. Budget (see budget form attached)
    • Detail
    • Justification
    • Other sources of funding
  5. Schedule—indicate time frame of project and projected completion date
  6. Vita—limited to two (2) pages
  7. ORSP Internal Review and Routing Sheet

Submission: Application deadlines will be set by the selection committee. It is the responsibility of the applicant to deliver one hard copy of the application with all appropriate signatures to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (Administration South 115). An electronic copy should be forwarded to Angela Willis for distribution to the selection committee members.
Submission Deadline: Friday, June 8, 2012, by 5:00 pm.
Outcomes: All grant recipients are required to submit a final report to the selection committee upon completion of the project. For projects that have a schedule longer than one year, reports that document progress made towards project objectives must be submitted each year.
Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Angela Willis at aewillis@ualr.edu or 569-8656.