UA Little Rock uses a variety of placement exams to ensure that students are prepared for courses they need to take. If you don’t test into the class you need, in many cases, UA Little Rock offers courses to prepare you. Making sure students get into the right course level helps ensure academic success in the long run.
Math & Composition Placement
UA Little Rock uses all of our admissions tests to determine which Math and Composition courses you place into. Please refer to the current placement guide on the Admissions Exams page for current cutoff scores.
Course-Specific Placement Exams
For some courses at UA Little Rock, you will need to take a placement exam before you can register. Your adviser will let you know whether this is the case for your courses. Testing Services administers the following course-specific placement exams:
- CAPE (Computer Adaptive Placement Exams for Foreign Languages: French and Spanish only)
- IT Competency Exam
- General Chemistry Placement Test
Students must take the CAPE exam and the Chemistry Placement Test in UA Little Rock Testing Services computer lab in the Student Services Center, room 315. However, the IT Competency Exam can be taken anywhere. Visit the Department of Business Information Systems website for more information about taking the IT Competency Exam.