About Spring 2021 It News
The online cybersecurity training program is designed to mitigate cyber risks as much as possible by increasing the cybersecurity awareness of UA Little Rock faculty and staff.
Cyberattacks are on the rise since working from home became necessary over the past year.
Livestreaming video conferencing systems have been added to 17 academic classrooms and administrative conference rooms across campus.
Students interested in studying abroad will find a new and highly functional application system that will allow them to easily search the Office of Study Abroad program portfolio.
A multi-unit partnership has now supported over 300 students by giving them access to high-quality technology that has allowed them to continue their education at UA Little Rock.
A thematic focus on the “jouRNey” never ends at UA Little Rock for our nursing students and those outside the community.
Office 365 is a communication and collaboration service hosted by Microsoft offered to current students and employees for personal use at no charge.