Arkansas Certified Group Facilitators Network

Group facilitation helps a group work together more effectively in order to solve a problem, make a decision, or complete a task. The facilitator does this by:

  • Helping identify the goals and outcomes for the group meeting, retreat, etc.
  • Designing a process by which the group will work to achieve those goals
  • Working with the group to lead them through the discussions and activities required to meet their goals
  • Documenting group findings and decisions

Group facilitators are trained in methods for planning meetings, promoting teamwork, posing key questions, generating options and narrowing choices, focusing the group, making and recording group decisions, managing conflict, developing action plans, and additional facilitation skills.

How Could a Group facilitator Help My Organization?

Government agencies and nonprofit organizations today often develop plans, investigate problems, make critical decisions and carry out other important tasks through meetings that involve staff and key stakeholders.  But in some cases, poor planning, lack of trust, and conflicting values and assumptions among members may impede a group’s progress in reaching its goals. In these cases, a group facilitator can assist by planning and managing meetings that help a group to recognize and overcome these obstacles. The result is a process that is more inclusive, decisions that are better-informed, and goals that are achieved in a timelier fashion.

Who We Are

Members of the Arkansas Certified Group Facilitators Network have completed an intensive training program in group facilitation and have facilitated under the supervision of a recognized group facilitation mentor. The Arkansas Public Administration Consortium (APAC) organizes and certifies this program. More information on this program can be found here. If you would like to work with a Certified Group Facilitator, email or call 501-916-6056.