AAWL 2020 Bar Examination Preparation Scholarship Application

Thank you for your interest in the Arkansas Association of Women Lawyers Bar Examination Preparation
Scholarship. AAWL provides scholarships to women law students who attend the two law schools in
Arkansas. The amount of the scholarships is determined by the earnings of an endowment account and
the proceeds of fundraising events sponsored by AAWL. AAWL expects to award scholarships totaling
$10,000. The selected recipients will be notified in late March and will be invited to attend a special event
in their honor in Little Rock on April 3, 2020.

The recipients must be women from one of the two law schools in the State and who are in good
standing with their respective schools. The recipients must be February or July 2020 Arkansas bar exam

The selection criteria include a consideration of financial need, academic performance, academic need
for a bar preparation course, and community service. Recipients may be selected based on any
combination of these factors.

Students who have already paid, in whole or in part, for a commercial bar preparation course are eligible
to apply.

The AAWL Scholarship Selection Committee is comprised of women lawyers who are on the AAWL
Board or who are long-standing members of AAWL.

The deadline to apply is February 16, 2020.

**The purposes of the Arkansas Association of Women Lawyers, which are to be exercised in the public
interest, are as follows: To further the interests of women lawyers and their service to the legal
profession; to advance the administration of justice according to law; to aid the courts in carrying on the
administration of justice; to foster public service and high standards of conduct; to maintain, on the part
of those engaged in the practice of law, high standards of integrity, learning and competence; to
encourage collegiality among women lawyers; to provide a forum for the discussion of subjects
pertaining to the practice of law and related subjects; to carry on a program of continuing legal education;
to improve the judicial and legal process and the science of jurisprudence; to encourage practices that
would advance and improve the honor and dignity of the legal professional and to encourage the legal
profession and its individual members to perform and to discharge more effectually their responsibilities
in the public interest.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Amy Pritchard at ampritchard@ualr.edu.

Please note that there is an option at the bottom of this form to save it and continue to complete it later should you need to.