Past Membership – Building and Grounds Committee

Appointed Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, AY22-23

Representing Term ending 2023 Term ending 2024
College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (2 reps; 2 year term)  Nancy Hamilton Vacant
College of Business, Health, and Human Services (2 reps; 2 year term) SarahBeth Phillips Otmar Varela
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2 reps; 2 year term) Scott Woolbright Stephen Grace
Bowen School of Law (2 reps; 2 year term) Jessie Burchfield Vacant
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 2 year term) None Chelsea Young
Staff Senate (2 reps; 2 year term) Reed Claiborne Toni Boyer
Student Government Association and Graduate Student Association (2 reps; 1 year term) Thomas Forcum (SGA)

Rebekah White (GSA)


Ex officio Members (all without vote)

Position Represented Person
Administrator in charge of planning buildings and grounds Leslie Hutchins (or designee)

Appointed Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, AY21-22

Representing Term ending 2022 Term ending 2023
College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (2 reps; 2 year term)  Kristen Mann Nancy Hamilton (Organizer)
College of Business, Health, and Human Services (2 reps; 2 year term) Morgan Leyenberger SarahBeth Phillips
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2 reps; 2 year term) Chris Ray  Scott Woolbright
Bowen School of Law (2 reps; 2 year term) Kim Vu-Dinh  Jessie Burchfield
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 2 year term) Chelsea Young None
Staff Senate (2 reps; 2 year term) Toni Boyer Reed Claiborne
Student Government Association and Graduate Student Association (2 reps; 1 year term) Mailee Xiong (SGA)

Rebekah White (GSA)

Ex officio Members (all without vote)

Position Represented Person
Administrator in charge of planning buildings and grounds  David Millay

Appointed Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, AY20-21

Representing Term ending 2021 Term ending 2022
College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (2 reps; 2 year term)  Nancy Hamilton Kristin Mann
College of Business, Health, and Human Services (2 reps; 2 year term) Alan Boss Morgan Leyenberger
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2 reps; 2 year term) Mike Tramel Chris Ray
Bowen School of Law (2 reps; 2 year term) Kim Vu-Dinh Vacant
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 2 year term) None Chelsea Young
Staff Senate (2 reps; 2 year term) Jennifer McDannold None
Student Government Association and Graduate Student Association (2 reps; 1 year term) Vacant None

Ex officio Members (all without vote)

Position Represented Person
Administrator in charge of planning buildings and grounds  David Millay

Appointed Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, AY19-20

Representing Term ending 2020 Term ending 2021
College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences  Yslan Hicks None
College of Business None Vacant
College of Education and Health Professions None Nancy Hamilton (1st Committee Caller)
College of Social Sciences and Communications Joanne Matson  None
Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology  Mike Tramel None
Bowen School of Law None Kim Vu-Dinh
Ottenheimer Library None Vacant
Staff Senate Ross Bradley  Dara Goad
Student Government Association Rushton Dobbins  Bryce Jackson-Litteken (Graduate)

Ex officio Members (all without vote)

Position Represented Person
administrator in charge of planning buildings and grounds  David Millay