Past Membership of the Library Committee

Appointed Members of the Library Committee, AY 21-22


Terms ending 2022

Terms ending 2023

College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (2 reps; 2 year term) 
Tammy Scaife


Katie King


College of Business, Health, and Human Services (2 reps; 2 year term)

Chris Lloyd Karen Leonard
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2 reps; 2 year term)

Vacant Justin Turner
Bowen School of Law (2 reps; 2 year term)
Sherrie Norwood  Jeff Woodmansee
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 2 year term)
Carol Macheak None
Undergraduate Council appointee (1 rep; 2 year term)
Vacant Vacant
Graduate Council appointee (1 rep; 2 year term)
Vacant  Vacant
Student Government Association appointments

Graduate Student Association
Kate Richars (SGA)

Michelle Malone (GSA)

Ex officio Members (without vote)
Position Represented
Director of the Library J. B. Hill
Appointed Members of the Library Committee, AY 20-21


Terms ending 2021

Terms ending 2022

College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (2 reps; 2 year term) 
Brian Mitchell (Organizer)


Tammy Scaife


College of Business, Health, and Human Services (2 reps; 2 year term)

Joyce Simmons Chris Lloyd
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2 reps; 2 year term)

Vacant  Vacant
Bowen School of Law (2 reps; 2 year term)
Sherrie Norwood Jessie Burchfield
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 2 year term)
Maureen James None
Undergraduate Council appointee (1 rep; 2 year term)
Vacant Vacant
Graduate Council appointee (1 rep; 2 year term)
Vacant Vacant
Student Government Association appointments

Graduate Student Association
Ex officio Members (without vote)
Position Represented
Director of the Library J. B. Hill
Appointed Members of the Library Committee, AY19-20


Terms ending 2020

Terms ending 2021

College of Arts, Letters, and

Lynne Larsen
College of Business

Tom Tudor (Chair)
College of Education and Health Professions

Rosalie Otters
College of Social Sciences and Communications

 Katie King  None
Donaghey College of
Engineering and Information Technology

None Vacant
Bowen School of Law
Sherrie Norwood  None
Ottenheimer Library
None Maureen James
Undergraduate Council appointee
Vacant None
Graduate Council appointee
Vacant None
Student Government Association appointments

Kristen Miller


Ex officio Members (without vote)
Position Represented
Director of the Library J. B. Hill