Completed Legislation, AY 18-19

Completed Legislation

FS_2018_15, FS_2018_16, FS_2018_22. Constitutional Changes to UGC and GC to accommodate program deletion from program review

FS_2018_17 Faculty Excellence Awards

FS_2018_19. Changes to promotion and tenure policy, principally added appeal rights to pre-tenure faculty and clarifying tenure rights under academic reorganization.

FS_2018_20. Changes to Annual Review, to apply annual review to all full-time faculty members

FS_2018_21. Fall graduates

FS_2018_23. Exclusivity of tenure policy and external review

FS_2019_1. International admission standards

FS_2019_2. Annual Review (satisfactory/unsatisfactory)

FS_2019_3. Changes to early entry graduate program to allow UAMS undergraduate courses to count

FS_2019_4. Revision to the policy on admissions for international students

FS_2019_5. Endorse the UA Little Rock Vision Statement

FS_2019_6. Guidelines for appointment of University and Distinguished Professor

FS_2019_7. Place constitutional amendment on the University Assembly agenda regarding Ottenheimer Library

FS_2019_8. Soccer and Basketball Team Commendations (see April assembly minutes for full text of award)

FS_2019_9. Clinical Faculty

FS_2019_10. Annual Review (teaching)

FS_2019_11. Transfer Credit and Designated Transfer Degree

FS_2019_12. Academic Clemency (graduate)

FS_2019_13. Adjunct Policy

FS_2019_14. Visiting Faculty

FS_2019_15. Lecturer Policy

FS_2019_16. Annual Review (part time faculty)

FS_2019_17. Spring and Summer Graduates

FS_2019_18. Core:  remove Global and Cultural Knowledge goal from Math curricular area