Policy Library – Index by Number – Original

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200 - Administration

Policy Number Policy Name

Laws & Regulations

LR 201.1 Non-Discrimination
LR 201.3 Notice of Privacy Practices

Board Policy

LR 202.1 Use of University’s Name
LR 202.2 Official Seal of the University
LR 202.3 Service on Boards of Financial Institutions
LR 202.4 Delegation of Contracting Authority

Emergency Management

LR 203.1 Emergency Management
LR 203.2 Emergency and Campus Notification System
LR 203.3 Medical Emergency

External Communications

LR 204.1 Public Relations & Media Relations
LR 204.2 Graphic Identity and Visual Standards
LR 204.4 Campus Printing
LR 204.5 Paid Advertising
LR 204.6 Interactions with Government Officials
LR 204.7 Publication of Website Privacy Practices

Official Functions

LR 205.1 Official Functions
LR 205.2 Official Extracurricular Activities


LR 206.1 University Development
LR 206.2 Sanctioned UA Little Rock Fundraising Event
LR 206.3 Fundraising in a Professional Manner
LR 206.5 Special Requests for Private Scholarship Awards
LR 206.6 Solicitation
LR 206.7 Gift Processing and Acknowledgment
LR 206.8 Event Sponsorship, Table, and Ticket Purchase
LR 206.9 Allowable Unrestricted Expenses and Reimbursements Using Unrestricted Funds


LR 207.2 Accessible Environments and Disability Accommodations Responsibilities
LR 207.3 Web Services Accessibility

Computing Services

LR 208.1 IT Acceptable Use
LR 208.2 Network Security
LR 208.3 Electronic Media
LR 208.4 E-mail and Digital Communication Policy
LR 208.5 IT System Security and Access Policy
LR 208.6 Cloud Services Policy
LR 208.7 Mobile Device Security
LR 208.8 IT Security Awareness and Competencies
LR 208.9 Data Classification Policy


LR 209.1 Patent & Copyright
LR 209.2 Intellectual Property Policy
LR 209.3 Music Performance Licenses Under Federal Copyright Law

Public Safety

LR 210.1 Public Safety and University Police
LR 210.2 Registered Sex Offender
LR 210.3 Campus Lost and Found
LR 210.4 Weapons (formerly Concealed Weapon policy)
LR 210.6 Disturbances, Demonstrations, and Mass Gatherings

Internal Communications

LR 211.1 Distribution of Printed Materials
LR 211.2 Campus Signs and Posters
LR 211.3 Campus-Wide Discussion List
LR 211.4 Outside Salespersons and Solicitors


LR 212.2 Annual Report of Academic Positions


LR 213.1 Archival Records and Manuscript Collections


LR 214.1 Applications/Proposals Process
LR 214.2 Delegation of Authority/Processing Applications, Proposals, Grants
LR 214.3 Monitoring Expenditures on Sponsored Agreements


LR 215.1 Inclement Weather


LR 216.1 Policy on Policies

Signature Authority

LR 217.1 Signature Authority Delegation for University Financial Transactions and Documents


LR 218.1 Membership in Private Clubs


LR 219.1 Smoke Free Campus
LR 219.2 Recycling of White Paper
LR 219.3 Energy Guidelines


LR 220.1 Retention of Records


LR 221.1 Advisory Committees


LR 222.1 Honorary Doctoral Degrees


LR 223.1 Dress Standards – General
LR 223.3 United Way Campaign
LR 223.4 Catering on Campus

300 - Business

Policy Number Policy Name

Accounts Payable

LR 301.1 Use of Direct Pay Request Form


LR 302.1 Designated and Reserve Funds
LR 302.2 Indirect Cost Recovery
LR 302.3 Indirect Costs (F&A) Reduction/Waiver Requests on Sponsored Programs
LR 302.4 Grant Release Salaries
LR 302.5 College Technology Fees
LR 302.7 Tuition Waiver for Employees
LR 302.8 Delegation of Signatory Authority Related to Research Administration Function/Grant Proposal Submission


LR 303.1 Collection of University Funds and Compliance to Payment Card Industry (PCI) Regulations
LR 303.2 Tuition and Fees Deferred Payment Plan
LR 303.3 Tuition and Fees Adjustments
LR 303.4 Tuition Waiver for Sixty and Older
LR 303.5 Check Cashing
LR 303.6 Check Signing
LR 303.7 Collections, Write-Offs, and Allowance of Accounts Receivables
LR 303.8 Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

Facilities Management

LR 304.1 University Vehicles

General Accounting

LR 305.1 Annual Inventory
LR 305.2 Cost Recovery for Copies
LR 305.3 Bond Requisitions (Request for Reimbursement)
LR 305.4 Journal Entries
LR 305.5 Bank Reconciliations


LR 306.1 Collection of Employee Debts
LR 306.2 Student Employee FICA Exemption

Public Safety

LR 307.1 UA Little Rock Parking


LR 308.1 Reimbursement of Expenditures
LR 308.3 Payment of Dues for Membership in Professional Organizations
LR 308.4 Cellular Telephones
LR 308.5 iPads
LR 308.6 Procurement Cards
LR 308.7 Employee Travel
LR 308.8 Newspaper Racks on UA Little Rock Campus
LR 308.9 Use of Procurement Cards on Sponsored Project Funds


LR 309.1 Related Entities
LR 309.2 Travel and Employee Work Location
LR 309.3 Allocation of State Cars
LR 309.4 Tuition Refund Exceptions
LR 309.5 Travel for Students Representing UA Little Rock
LR 309.6 Conflict of Interest
LR 309.7 Transportation Stipends
LR 309.8 Investment Policy for Operating Funds
LR 309.9 Investment Policy for University-Held Endowments
LR 309.10 Moving Expenses

400 - Faculty and Staff

Policy Number Policy Name

Laws & Regulations

LR 401.2 Affirmative Action
LR 401.4 Family Medical Leave Act
LR 401.6 Grievance Procedures – Complaints of Discrimination
LR 401.7 Title IX Policy for Complaints of Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Harassment
LR 401.8 Accommodations Pertaining to Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Related Medical Conditions

Employment Policies

LR 402.3 Career Service Recognition Payments
LR 402.5 Catastrophic Leave Bank
LR 402.7 Grievance Procedures – Employment Practices (Non-Faculty)
LR 402.10 Concurrent Employment
LR 402.11 Degree Requirements for Instructional Personnel and Employees Who Complete a Degree After Being Hired (Decommissioned)
LR 402.13 Email and Privacy Concerns (Decommissioned)
LR 402.26 Faculty and Non-Classified Professional Staff Salary Funding Incentive Plan (Under Review)
LR 402.27 Extra Compensation
LR 402.28 Faculty and Staff Called to Military Duty
LR 402.32 Handling Confidential Information (Under Review)
LR 402.33 Health and Safety (Under Review)
LR 402.34 Leave for Academic and Other Non-Classified Employees (Under Review)
LR 402.38 Meeting the Public (Under Review)
LR 402.40 Nepotism (Under Review)
LR 402.41 Off-Campus Duty Assignments
LR 402.43 Outside Employment of Faculty and Non-Classified Staff for Compensation
LR 402.44 Overtime/Compensatory Time for Classified Employees
LR 402.49 Political Activity of Employees
LR 402.54 Relations with Legislators and Members of Congress
LR 402.56 Reporting of Income from Public Agencies
LR 402.58 Retirement Age
LR 402.59 Retrenchment
LR 402.66 University Office Hours
LR 402.68 Garnishment and Salary Liens
LR 402.69 Children’s Educational Activity Leave – Act 1028
LR 402.70 Flexible Work Arrangements and Remote Work Policy

Faculty Policies

LR 403.1 Adjunct Faculty (Decommissioned)
LR 403.2 Department Chair Salary Conversion
LR 403.3 Annual Review Policy
LR 403.4 Emeritus Status
LR 403.5 Faculty Absence from Work
LR 403.6 Faculty Appeals to the University Judicial Appeals Committee
LR 403.8 Faculty Excellence Awards
LR 403.10 Faculty Responsibilities
LR 403.11 Faculty Attendance at Commencement
LR 403.12 Lecturer Status (Decommissioned)
LR 403.13 Faculty Workload
LR 403.14 Appointments, Promotion, Tenure, Non-Reappointment, and Dismissal of Faculty
LR 403.15 Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
LR 403.18 Student Evaluations of Faculty (Under Review)
LR 403.19 University and Distinguished Professors
LR 403.20 Faculty Roles and Rewards I Tenure Track
LR 403.21 Visiting Faculty
LR 403.22 Voluntary Early Retirement for Tenured Faculty
LR 403.23 Faculty Roles and Rewards II Non-Tenure Track
LR 403.24 Summer Teaching
LR 403.25 Academic Freedom

Academic Policies

LR 404.2 Athletes’ Faculty Class Reports
LR 404.3 Assessment
LR 404.4 Class Attendance and Withdrawal
LR 404.5 Maintaining Class Roster
LR 404.6 Closed Class Exception
LR 404.7 Course Pre-Requisite Enforcement
LR 404.8 Syllabus, Office Hours, and Regular and Substantive Contact
LR 404.9 Academic Adjustment for Students with Disabilities
LR 404.10 Dismissal of Classes for Speakers, Concerts, and Other Activities
LR 404.11 Individual Course Drop Date (Decommissioned – merged with Class Attendance and Withdrawal – LR 404.4)
LR 404.13 Grades Policy
LR 404.14 Midterm Grades
LR 404.16 Textbook Adoption and Ordering
LR 404.17 Responsibility for Holding Classes
LR 404.18 Student Field Trips
LR 404.19 Teaching More Than Two Sections in Summer School
LR 404.20 Textbook Royalties: Conflicts of Interest Pertaining to Textbooks
LR 404.21 Website Links for Textbooks and Course Materials


LR 405.2 Off-Site Use of University Equipment
LR 405.4 Sale of University Property
LR 405.5 Sale of Books
LR 405.6 Use of FACFOCUS


500 - Student Affairs

Policy Number Policy Name

Academic Policies

LR 501.1 Academic Clemency
LR 501.2 Academic Adjustment
LR 501.3 Cooperative Education
LR 501.4 Academic Probation and Suspension
LR 501.5 Academic Program
LR 501.6 Grade Appeals
LR 501.7 Honors
LR 501.8 Repeated Courses
LR 501.9 Students Called to Military Duty
LR 501.10 Transfer of D Grades
LR 501.11 Undergraduate Student Classifications
LR 501.12 Withdrawal from UA Little Rock
LR 501.13 Academic Offenses (formerly Academic Integrity and Grievance)


LR 502.1 Admission Categories
LR 502.2 Admission of First-time Freshman
LR 502.3 Admission Requirements for Entering Freshmen (Decommissioned)
LR 502.4 Concurrent Enrollments Between UA Campuses
LR 502.5 Immunizations
LR 502.6 International Student Requirements
LR 502.7 Transient Students
LR 502.8 Concurrent Enrollment
LR 502.9 Admissions Clearance


LR 503.1 Academic Advising
LR 503.2 Advanced Placement Program
LR 503.3 General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate and Associate Degrees
LR 503.4 Course Load and Enrollment Limits
LR 503.5 Credit by Examination
LR 503.6 Declaring a Major
LR 503.7 Degree Plan
LR 503.8 Testing Center Use of Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Campus Life

LR 504.1 Campus ID Card
LR 504.2 Alcohol Marketing Guidelines
LR 504.3 Criteria for Registration of a Student Organization
LR 504.4 Funds Solicitation by Registered Student Organizations
LR 504.5 General Regulations for Student Activities
LR 504.6 Inviting Speakers and Political Activities
LR 504.7 Sound Amplification Devices on Campus
LR 504.8 Student Email
LR 504.9 Student Organization Lodges and Centers
LR 504.10 Student Organizations and Activities

College Prep/Developmental

LR 505.1 Collegiate Success Program
LR 505.2 Developmental Courses

Donaghey Student Center

LR 506.1 Donaghey Student Center
LR 506.2 Donaghey Student Center Aquatic Center
LR 506.3 Scheduling Activities on the Master Calendar


LR 507.1 Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Requirements
LR 507.2 Posthumous Degrees

Financial Aid

LR 508.1 Financial Aid
LR 508.2 Financial Aid Appeals
LR 508.4 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
LR 508.5 Withdrawals and Return of Title IV Funds

Graduate School

LR 509.2 Academic and Research Integrity
LR 509.3 Graduate School Admission
LR 509.4 Graduate Assistantships
LR 509.5 Course Attendance
LR 509.6 Course Audit
LR 509.7 Falsifying the Graduate School Admission Application
LR 509.8 Grades and Grading
LR 509.9 Graduate School International Student Admission
LR 509.10 Graduate School Special Topics Course
LR 509.11 Graduation Requirements
LR 509.12 Leave of Absence
LR 509.13 Repeated Courses
LR 509.14 Research Compliance
LR 509.15 Scholastic Standards
LR 509.16 Graduate School Short-Term, Off-Campus, and Distance Education Courses
LR 509.17 Standard American English Requirement
LR 509.18 Transfer of Graduate Credit
LR 509.19 Graduate Credit Earned by Undergraduates
LR 509.20 Graduate Student Academic Probation

Health Services

LR 510.2 Health Services Privacy


LR 511.1 Housing Rules and Regulations


LR 512.1 Appeals to the Chancellor (Except Grade Appeals)
LR 512.2 Classroom Disruptions and Steps Toward Redress
LR 512.3 Interim Suspension
LR 512.4 Involuntary Withdrawal Due to Mental Disorder
LR 512.5 Student Appeals to the University Judicial Appeals Committee
LR 512.6 Handling and Resolution of Student Complaints
LR 512.7 Student Non-Academic Issue Grievance

Public Safety

LR 513.1 Bicycles on Campus
LR 513.2 Pets on Campus
LR 513.3 Traffic Appeals
LR 513.4 Protection of Minors on Campus and Child Maltreatment Reporting

Registration & Records

LR 514.1 Auditing a Course
LR 514.2 Withholding of Grades and Transcripts
LR 514.3 Continuing Education Unit
LR 514.4 Directory or Public Information Release
LR 514.6 FERPA Annual Notice
LR 514.7 Calendar and Schedules Policies (Formally: Final Exam Schedule)
LR 514.8 Graduation Agreement Program (Act 1014)
LR 514.9 Changes in Enrollment (Drop & Add)
LR 514.10 Independent Research and Study
LR 514.11 Disciplinary Records and Disciplinary Information
LR 514.12 International Baccalaureate Diploma (Decommissioned – see Transfer of Credit – LR 517.1)
LR 514.13 Military Service Credit
LR 514.14 Name Changes
LR 514.15 Occupational Programs Credit
LR 514.16 Special Exception for Transfer Credit
LR 514.17 Student Address and Communications
LR 514.18 Transcript Request
LR 514.19 Graduation Application
LR 514.20 Course Modality Definitions
LR 514.21 Little Rock Athletics Interpersonal Violence and Sexual Violence Disclosure


LR 515.1 Residency Regulations for Tuition and Fee Purposes
LR 515.2 Student Residency Appeals Determination
Student Behavior and Conduct
LR 516.1 Alcohol and Drug Abuse
LR 516.2 Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse
LR 516.3 Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior (Under Review)


LR 517.1 Transfer Credit (formerly “Transfer of Student”)
Laws and Regulations
LR 518.1 An Act to Prohibit Hazing
LR 518.2 Discrimination in Educational Institutions
LR 518.3 Free Speech and Expressive Activities


LR 519.1 Bookstore Returns
LR 519.2 Intensive English Language Program (Decommissioned)
LR 519.5 Undergraduate Catalog
LR 519.6 Student Death Protocol

600 - Educational Programs

Policy Number Policy Name

Academic Programs

LR 601.1 Academic Program Review (Existing Programs)
LR 601.2 Addition, Deletion, Suspension, and Modification of Academic Programs
LR 601.6 Program Review and Accreditation

Extended Programs

LR 602.1 Distribution for Increases in Distance Education Tech Fee Revenue (Decommissioned)
LR 602.2 Extended Programs (Decommissioned)


LR 603.5 Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training
LR 603.6 Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University
LR 603.7 Cost (Expense) Transfers on Sponsored Accounts
LR 603.8 No-Cost Extensions on Sponsored Projects
LR 603.9 Requirements for Sponsored Funding Budget Revisions
LR 603.10 Cost Share
LR 603.11 Extra Compensation from Sponsored Projects
LR 603.12 Sponsored Programs Capital Equipment
LR 603.13 Documentation of Personnel Expenses
LR 603.14 Allowability of Career Service Recognition Payments on Sponsored Projects
LR 603.15 Subrecipient Monitoring
LR 603.16 Underwriting Sponsored Programs
LR 603.17 Program Income Generated on Sponsored Programs
LR 603.18 Unallowable Costs on Federal Awards
LR 603.19 Export Control



LR 605.1 Class Scheduling Guidelines (Decommissioned – see Calendar and Schedules Policies – LR 514.7)
LR 605.3 Minimum Enrollment Standards
LR 605.4 Maintenance and Repair of e-Learning Equipment

700 - Facilities

Policy Number Policy Name

Health and Safety

LR 701.1 Aerial Lifts and Work Platforms
LR 701.2 Basic Animal Services Disaster Plan
LR 701.3 Biological Safety
LR 701.4 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
LR 701.5 Chemical Hazard Communication Program
LR 701.6 Compressed Gas Cylinders Use
LR 701.7 Computer Electronic Solid Waste Management
LR 701.8 Confined Space Program
LR 701.9 Electrical Safety Program
LR 701.11 Emergency Evacuation/Refuge for Persons with Disabilities
LR 701.12 Excavation and Trenching
LR 701.13 Eye Protection Requirements
LR 701.14 Facility Safety Plan
LR 701.15 Physical Plant Pandemic Preparedness Plan (Under Review)
LR 701.16 Fall Prevention Program
LR 701.17 Fire Prevention and Protection Plan
LR 701.18 Forklift Safety Program
LR 701.19 Handling Mail and Biological Hazards
LR 701.20 Hazard Communication Program
LR 701.21 HazMat Response Team and Flow Chart
LR 701.22 Laboratory Fume Hoods
LR 701.23 Ladder Safety Program
LR 701.24 Lock-Out and Tag-Out
LR 701.25 Machine Guarding
LR 701.26 Minors in UA Little Rock Laboratories
LR 701.27 Power Tool Safety
LR 701.28 Radiation Safety
LR 701.29 Respiratory Protection
LR 701.30 Roof Access (Under Review)
LR 701.31 Scaffold Safety
LR 701.32 Stormwater Management
LR 701.33 Tornado Safety
LR 701.34 Welding Safety and Hot Work
LR 701.35 Chemical Hygiene Plan
LR 701.36 Administrative Closure and Securing of Laboratories and Studios

Physical Campus

LR 702.1 Infrastructure Cabling and Wiring
LR 702.2 Maintenance for Smart and Semi-Smart Classrooms
LR 702.3 Mercury-Containing Fluorescent Lamp and Light Bulb Management
LR 702.4 Naming Buildings
LR 702.5 Identifying Buildings
LR 702.6 Physical Arrangement of Campus Facilities
LR 702.7 Logos on Buildings and Facilities

Facility Usage

LR 703.1 Use of Fitness Center by System Staff
LR 703.2 Use of Instructional Space by Non-UA Little Rock Entities
LR 703.3 Use of Roof and Exterior Walls of Buildings (Under Review)
LR 703.4 Use of University Facilities (Under Review)
LR 703.5 Ottenheimer Library


LR 704.1 Procedure for Capital Projects
LR 704.2 Procedure for Selection of Architects and Engineers for Capital Projects
LR 704.3 Procedure for Selection of On-Call Architects or Engineers
LR 704.4 Completion and Acceptance of New Construction
LR 704.5 New Construction
LR 704.6 Selection of General Contractor, Design Professional, Construction Manager